June 26, 2021

Some people react physically to the magic of poetry, to the moments, that is, of authentic revelation, of the communication, the sharing, at its highest level…A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape and significance of the universe, helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him. ― Dylan Thomas (1914 – 1953)



What’s a word  when,

By Beauty  arises,

As if by duty;  a vapour,

Massive, a new/age/old   ghost image

That mostly moves you.

I mean, Keenly   moves you.


oh,  Yo Yo’s cello,  Jaco’s bass,

the subtle secret coves Jarrett streams you into

are right  in your face,

a fragile, secret love that Chet

dares to torch on,

torned down  until morn

there right on his horn,


What’s a word when

A vapour, ghost image…

oh my heart, oh my head

“Pre possess ed”




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